This DX site was created to let fellow dxer's know what we are up to while on DXpeditions in our former Walsoorden site (HOL) and the new site near Veurne, West Flanders, Belgium. We hope it inspires other dxers to try DXpeditions.

We travel to such locations to escape noise and to be able to put out long beverage antennas. Something we cannot do from home. DXpeditions take place several times a year. Usually in winter. Dxer's from Belgium and The Netherlands take the opportunity to dx from such rural dx location.

Are you interested in future dx trips? Get in touch with us. Send an email to us. We are always happy hearing from dxer's from other countries.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

For NDBs, T/A reception was really terrible. Only a few Canadians could be logged. So, we focussed more on the other side, with some nice NDBs from Russia and Ukraine. Also Jordania, Algeria and Lybia could be loggend.

The full log of NDBs is in the NDB-log page. Below is a shortlist of the highlights.

Patrick - DXA546

Date Time (local) Freq (kHz) Call Station Country (REU list)
4-Feb-12 23:29 356.5 OU Ouargla ALG

4-Feb-12 0:12 320.0 DM Moscow / Domodedovo RUS
3-Feb-12 23:26 360.0 BD Bogdanovo RUS
4-Feb-12 0:00 405.0 UM Ivanovskoye RUS
3-Feb-12 18:26 420.0 KN Kobona RUS
3-Feb-12 23:46 430.0 AJ Staritza RUS
3-Feb-12 18:29 445.0 KM Kem RUS
3-Feb-12 23:05 478.0 MF Larionovo RUS
3-Feb-12 18:30 485.0 CW Krasnaya Gorbatka RUS
3-Feb-12 23:23 493.0 KR Krasnodar RUS
3-Feb-12 18:31 493.0 RW Maryino RUS
3-Feb-12 23:34 650.0 OS Osmino RUS
3-Feb-12 23:40 1020.0 DK Glotaevo RUS
4-Feb-12 20:49 1285.0 SW Savelovo RUS
4-Feb-12 20:48 1290.0 TU Bely RUS

4-Feb-12 23:01 404.0 AQ Aqaba JOR

4-Feb-12 23:14 435.0 D Tripoli / Delta LBY

Saturday, February 4, 2012

For receiving NDB's, we make use of a special software patch of Perseus. Notice the additional button in the "FRONT-END" menu.... a real delight ;)