This DX site was created to let fellow dxer's know what we are up to while on DXpeditions in our former Walsoorden site (HOL) and the new site near Veurne, West Flanders, Belgium. We hope it inspires other dxers to try DXpeditions.

We travel to such locations to escape noise and to be able to put out long beverage antennas. Something we cannot do from home. DXpeditions take place several times a year. Usually in winter. Dxer's from Belgium and The Netherlands take the opportunity to dx from such rural dx location.

Are you interested in future dx trips? Get in touch with us. Send an email to us. We are always happy hearing from dxer's from other countries.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A few pictures from Walsoorden

The surrounding : on the far left you see the DXing house

The South-American beverage. In the background you see some participants working on the antennas. And in the far background machines are working on a now dike.

Overview of several beverage antennas

The ALA 1530 used for SW frequencies
Dave connecting his SDR-receiver to the antenna splitters
Leo needs a bit of fitness practice before hitting the bands

The splitters once again

Marc's Antenna Switch for the Beverages
The Beverages

Guido checking the performance of the antennas

Leo is multitasking. Navtex and SW DXing

Walsoorden mosquitoes to make the Nordic and Finnish DX feeling complete.

Our DX-location

Our spiritual leader and masquot John Plimmer was also once again present.

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